·Organized by Sirius Barcelona (Varador 2000) and the Food and Nutrition Campus of the University of Barcelona
The course will be held by prominent Spanish and international chefs and leading specialists.

Together with the captain and the chief engineer, the chef is one of the three most important people on board. Chefs have the great responsibility of catering for owners, crew and clients – if the yacht is used for chartering – and satisfying their culinary preferences. Despite the fact that the work carried out and the logistics behind it are crucial on a yacht, especially during medium to long passages (when getting hold of supplies is more complicated), chefs are not always fully appreciated.


For some time now Varador 2000, a Spanish boating company that has always supported high-quality training, has recognized the vital importance of chefs and gastronomy aboard superyachts and the need to improve and complement the training of professional chefs, adding value to their professional resumé. This is why, through Sirius Barcelona – Varador 2000’s department devoted to new businesses – it has launched an international course to provide further expertise in haute cuisine to superyacht chefs.

Cooking and Gastronomy for Superyachts is a pioneering course. The content is adapted to the requirements within the world of superyachts. The course has the academic support of the University of Barcelona (UB), through its Food and Nutrition Campus. The course will take place in its facilities from 10 to 12 October. It will be held entirely in English by a highly-qualified team of professors, including some of the best Spanish and international chefs and cuisine experts, such as Jordi Roca (El Celler de Can Roca), Gaggan Anand (Gaggan), Jérôme Quilbeuf (Sant Pau), Pere Planagumà (Les Cols), Carles Tejedor (Speakesy), Joao Alcántara (Alquimia Fogo), Felipe Celis (CETT) and Marc Álvarez (elBarri Adrià), to mention just a few.

Pere Castells Esqué – from Gastrocultura Mediterránea, UERC coordinator (University of Barcelona), Science and Cooking course collaborator (Harvard University), author of “La cocina del Futuro” and a pioneer in joint gastronomic and scientific research – is responsible for the headship of the course. Castells has also worked in several projects with Ferran Adrià and Joan Roca, amongst others.


The course on Cooking and Gastronomy for Superyachts will provide, to all those chefs who decide to take it, further expertise in the culinary world, haute cuisine, creation and composition of dishes and the art of tasting and appreciating meals (gastronomy). Which will translate in a guarantee of distinction in the gastronomic delights offered on superyachts.

The first edition of the course will be limited to 25 places. On the last day, students will receive a Certificate accrediting that they have successfully completed the course and have acquired the appropriate expertise in the highest level of culinary techniques for superyachts. All the information on the course and registration form are available at: www.siriuscookery4superyachts.com

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