The Apperò a Hanse 630e Canadian flag, covering more than 3000 nautical miles nonstop

The adventure began on January 5, 2014 in Lanzarote and happily finished the day 21 in Martinique.

Crew: Michel Saillant, the shipowner; Xiqui Mas, project manager and general manager Varador 2000; Òscar Bachero, Manel Isnard and Francesc Girven.

Cruise Duration: 16 days, 5 hours and 15 minutes browsing at an average speed of 7.4 knots and a maximum of 16.5 knots.

ApperoMar5 2

Xiqui Mas comments: “It was a very rewarding experience”. / “At peak times we had to overcome wind gusts of over 50 knots that have caused us some problems on the ship, but in general has been a rather placid and noble navigation with sustained winds of over 35 knots followed by calm and with only four days of trade winds “.

Manel Isnard comments: “Ask the Atlantic crossing has been a very interesting challenge. It was like doing 150 races followed to week, without rest. That’s sail, sail truth”. / “The strong winds caused some problems on the boat: in the mainsail , the gennaker and other components of the boat, and tested the entire crew “.

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